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Ideas? No Problem. Destination? No Idea


I am certainly not a professional photographer.

“Do you have many ideas for writing?” asked my husband. I scoffed. Do I have ideas? Not only ideas in the abstract but ideas as physical entities, sticky notes light as feathers swirling around my head, many remaining aloft, many falling to ground, many clinging to my hair, and many dissolving before my mind can grasp their significance leaving the fear of something lost.

The problem isn’t ideas; it is deciding which one to tackle. Without deadlines, I can fritter away time endlessly until I remind myself that time is a very special commodity at this age.

But you readers know that. So, do you want to hear about the family? Blue Boy is a sophomore at the University of Arizona but will transfer to Northern Arizona in Flagstaff in the fall. Why? Ironically, he misses his friends. Ironic because he is such an introvert that even when home, he rarely gets together with them. I support him. My college experience convinced me that feeling at home in school is very important.

He will continue majoring in astronomy. NAU is noted for its astronomy and planetary science program, Flagstaff being home to the Lowell Observatory which aided in the discovery of Pluto, a planet to Arizonans. Actually, I like Flagstaff more than Tucson so look forward to many visits with or without Blue Boy.

Mowgli is a high school senior and continues mornings at West-Mec tech school and afternoon at Centennial to finish his academics. The other day he told me he is learning masonry; I suggested he practice by repairing the block wall split by tree roots. He liked that idea. He has impressed us with a couple of projects he completed and brought home. One is a picnic table for two with attached seats. The other is a double seat covered with an arbor. They will be nice in ED’s next yard.

Oh, next yard. We are beginning splitting up the group home. We are like a pile of dominos waiting for a designer to arrange us and trigger the toppling but no one knows who the designer is or if there is one. In other words, we don’t really know where we are going. Prayers, meditations, vibrations, and appeals to the universe are appreciated. No more ideas: we have plenty of those.

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